Tuesday, July 24, 2007

What are you doing Saturday night?

As for me, nothing as usual. I don't have any plans yet. It's only Tuesday so something might come up. I haven't had a date in a few weeks. I'm pretty picky about who I'll date.

Not picky as far as financially or even looks. But picky in the way they treat people. I've always been told that you can tell a lot about someone by the way they treat people that they don't need for some reason. You know, sales people or wait staff. If they're rude to them, they're probably no a nice person in general. I know that's a generalization but it's worked for me so far.

I have several friends who have tried online dating. There's one site where you can meet interacial singles. I'm sort of mixed race myself so I don't count anyone out. I say sort of because both of my parents are interracial. So interracial dating is nothing new in my family. I should also say that I don't count people out because of their race.

I try to judge the person for who they are not what they are.

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