Thursday, July 26, 2007

Freeze It froze it

I have the most horrible posture. I do this hunch over kind of thing. I'm not really tall, I only stand about 5'6" but I was already at that height at 13. I towered over most of the other kids. Although I'm now average height, I still hunch over. It's just what I'm used to. Besides having bad posture, I also get tension knots. Believe me when I tell you those suckers are uncomfortable.

I've tried some of those Icy Hot products and Ben Gay and they don't work for me. So when I received some samples of Freeze It in the mail, I didn't have high hopes for it. Let's just say I was pleasantly surprised. I was hesitant when I opened it to see this green goo. I watch too many movies and it looked like monster slime.

Anyway, I took a small bit and rubbed it directly on the knot. It was instantly cooling which I liked instead of feeling like I was on fire like with other products. The knot seemed to start disappearing and after a while, it was gone. I am liking this stuff. I looked online to compare prices and it's not expensive at all. It's only $9.99 for a 4 oz tube. But I'll be buying the 3 oz roll-on.

As you can see, Freeze It is teddy bear approved!

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