Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I'm mad at everybody

I was so tired at work today. I make my caffeine run around 10:30. Today I was ready to go at 9am, it was that bad. After I had some caffeine and was semi-woke, I started working. We were slammed because one person is on a leave and another is on vacation. But of course I still made time to talk (email) everyone.

What do you know, my first friend was in meetings all day so I couldn't talk to her. Next up is my friend that works in a doctors office. She was mia. I couldn't get her to return a message. Last hope, my neighbor who works at the same company but a different location. We emailed a few times but I was really in a chatty mood. He didn't even get my last email until 10 minutes before he went home. And I sent that one over two hours earlier.

Yeah our internal mail system sucks. Sometimes you get mail, sometimes you don't get it for hours. All I know is that I wanted to talk and nobody wanted to be my friend today. Boo to my stupid friends.

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