Friday, July 20, 2007

Things to do on vacation

I think I've mentioned numerous times that I'm going on a cruise next month. What I don't know is if I mentioned that I was spending some time in Florida as well. My aunt and uncle live in Florida and I'll be crashing at their place.

They used to live in the southwestern part of the state but now they live in Jacksonville. They live in a apartment complex but they are thinking of moving into a retirement community. They want to buy a two bedroom condo. I'm all for it as long as I can go visit. I know they don't allow children to live there so they won't have to worry about that.

I absolutely love Florida. It's on my wish list of places to live once I'm done with school. If they buy a condo, I can crash with them for a few months to make sure I like it before I move there. Now to just get done with school.


55-Community said...

Sure you can visit with them for a few months, even in a 55+ community. One of the owners has to be 55+ but they can certainly have visitors, even long term ones, or even to live there full time. But now small children living there.

Sabrina said...

Oh that's good to know. I plan on being a semi-permanent visitor.