Thursday, May 31, 2007

Joke of the week

Hillbilly Medical Terms...

Benign: What you be after you be eight.

Bacteria: Door to the cafeteria.

Barium: What doctors do when patients die.

Cesarean Section: A neighborhood in Rome.

Catscan: Searching for Kitty.

Cauterize: Made eye contact with her.

Colic: A sheep dog.

Coma: A punctuation mark.

D&C: Where Washington is.

Dilate: To live long.

Enema: Not a friend.

Fester: Quicker than someone else.

Fibula: A small lie.

G.I. Series: World Series of military baseball.

Hangnail: What you hang your coat on.

Impotent: Distinguished, well known.

Labor Pain: Getting hurt at work.

Medical Staff: A Doctor's cane.

Morbid: A higher offer than I bid.

Nitrates: Cheaper than day rates.

Node: I knew it.

Outpatient: A person who has fainted.

Pap Smear: A fatherhood test.

Pelvis: Second cousin to Elvis.

Post Operative: A letter carrier.

Recovery Room: Place to do upholstery.

Rectum: Damn near killed him.

Secretion: Hiding something.

Seizure: Roman emperor.

Tablet: A small table.

Terminal Illness: Getting sick at the airport.

Tumor: More than one.

Urine: Opposite of mine.

Varicose: Near by/close by.

Credit cards don't have to be the enemy

They really don't. There doesn't seem to be any middle ground with credit cards either. People either love them or totally hate them.

I'm one of the people that love them. Used properly they help to build an excellent credit history. Right now you can fill out a credit card application where you can get 0% interest until January, a 0% on balance transfers with a 2.5% fee. And if you let them debit the money to your account, you can get 0% until August of 2008. That's enough time to pay off the card and have the information submitted to the credit bureaus.

Credit is just like everything else, use in moderation.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Vacation plans

My vacation is in limbo. Not really but it should be. I can't get the time off of work to go. I am not missing my vacation.

I have 3 choices 1. call off 5 days 2. take 2 vacation days and call of 3 days 3. not go.

Well 3 is a big fat hell naw! The 2 days off are not guaranteed yet. I may just have to call off all 5 days and deal with the repurcusions when I get back. I worked at a job I hated for almost 12 years. I often had to put my crappy job ahead of my family. This job is not worth it at all. I know you have to prioritize, but I can find another job like the one I have. I can't find another family. Yanno?

Monday, May 28, 2007

My short story

I'm going to use my blog to update my progress on my story. I actually did start it. I finished chapters 2 and 3. I'll go back and add chapter 1 at a later time. My goal is to write 2 chapters a week this summer. By the time school starts I should have at least 20 chapters done.

Since this is a short story, 20 chapters might be the end of the book. I didn't write the first chapter because I already have it sketched out in my mind. I just need to write it down. I'll probably go back and add the first chapter then start chapter 4.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Cleveland needs this game in the worse way

Right now Detroit leads the series 2-0. Cleveland had every opportunity to win both games. They need this game. They're at home so I hope they take advantage of that. If they go down 3-0, they'll have a helluva time even trying to win one.

Every breath you take

I remember being about 15 years old and traveling with my family from NJ to NM for a two week visit. Every city we hit and every station we turned to was playing this song. It drove me crazy and for the longest time, I hated the song for the rest of the summer.

Of course, the song eventually grew on me. I started off humming it, then singing it, then finally I went and bought the police cd. I drove my mother crazy playing that song. I don't think I listened to any other song on the cd. I started listening to the radio for other songs by the Police to see what they had out there.

You know how you hear something but never really pay it any attention. I realized that the song Roxanne the I was always singing was their song. I never knew that, I just thought it was a catchy tune. I eventually bought another police cd. This time it was the Best of Sting and the Police. I love that cd. Again, I found songs I never even knew were by the Police.

When I heard the group was getting back together, I was ecstatic. I love Sting. Love him, love, love him. But as part of the Police, I love him even more. They have a new 28 track classic police cd and best of all, they're going on a worldwide tour. The only thing I hate about Pittsburgh is that we don't always get good shows, but this one will definitely hit town. And I will definitely be there. I can't wait.

Writing my short story

In my post yesterday, I talked about writing my short story. Just to let everyone know, I'm not writing the story because of my man troubles. I have had this story in my mind for a while now. I also set up a schedule last week where I would write for 2 hours all weekend. I didn't write yesterday but I will get started on my story today.

Men suck

Really. They do. I'm in a man bashing mood right now. I actually feel a lot better about the situation now than I did earlier today. I put my thoughts down on paper by writing a poem about it. I'm also going to work the whole ordeal into one of the chapters of my short story that I'm writing.

I don't want to go into it and re-hash it, but men still suck.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Joke of the week

"Please Keep Your Seats in the Upright Position..."
Part One

The in-flight "safety lecture" and pre-flight announcements on airplanes are sometimes spiced up a bit at some airlines. Here are some real examples that have been heard or reported:

On a Continental Flight with a very "senior" flight attendant crew, the pilot said, "Ladies and gentlemen, we've reached cruising altitude and will be turning down the cabin lights. This is for your comfort and to enhance the appearance of your flight attendants."


"On landing, the stewardess said, "Please be sure to take all of your belongings. If you're going to leave anything, please make sure it's something we'd like to have."


"There may be 50 ways to leave your lover, but there are only 4 ways out of this airplane."


"Thank you for flying Delta Business Express. We hope you enjoyed giving us the business as much as we enjoyed taking you for a ride."


"After a particularly rough landing during thunderstorms in Memphis, a flight attendant on a Northwest flight announced, "Please take care when opening the overhead compartments because, after a landing like that, sure as heck everything has shifted."


From a Southwest Airlines employee: "Welcome aboard Southwest Flight 245 to Tampa. To operate your seat belt, insert the metal tab into the buckle, and pull tight. It works just like every other seat belt; and, if you don't know how to operate one, you probably shouldn't be out in public unsupervised."


"In the event of a sudden loss of cabin pressure, masks will descend from the ceiling. Stop screaming, grab the mask, and pull it over your face. If you have a small child traveling with you, secure your mask before assisting with theirs. If you are traveling with more than one small child, pick your favorite."


Weather at our destination is 50 degrees with some broken clouds, but we'll try to have them fixed before we arrive. Thank you, and remember, nobody loves you, or your money, more than Southwest Airlines."


"Your seat cushions can be used for flotation; and, in the event of an emergency water landing, please paddle to shore and take them with our compliments."


"As you exit the plane, make sure to gather all of your belongings. Anything left behind will be distributed evenly among the flight attendants. Please do not leave children or spouses."

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

A commercial that I hate

It's for the movie "Epic Movie". First I don't like all of the satire and goofball movies anyway. But there's a scene where "Superman" gets hit in the eye with a bullet. It's supposed to be funny because Superman is faster than a speeding bullet. I've said before that anything to do with my eyes is a phobia of mine, so this commercial just annoys the heck out of me.

Needless to say, I will never see this movie.

Do you need motivation?

I know I do. There's a lot of things that I would like to do but I'm just not motivated enough to do it. Chief among them is cleaning my house and writing my short story. I would like it to be a novel, however I feel like a short story is more doable.

Well, there's a program that I've found that you can download totally free to help provide motivation. The motivation software runs on the background of your computer and at set intervals a message pops up reminding you of your goals. They're not canned auto response messages either. You write the message yourself. So you can have it as canned or as real as you want.

stop I think my motivating message will be to put pen to pad and start on that short story. I already have the idea, I just need to write it down. That's a good goal for me.

I won't miss A-Rod tonight

I wrote up a whole post about this and when I went to publish it, I wondered why my categories looked weird. Duh, I posted it on the wrong blog. Anyway, Monday night A-Rod hit a home run in the bottom of the first. I missed it because I turned on the game late. I won't miss the start of tonights game.

Would you take Oden or Durant?

That's the question the Trailblazers have to answer. They had a little over 5% chance of getting the number 1 pick. The balls really bounced their way. I mean, you really can't go wrong with either one. If you need a big man, go with Oden. Otherwise, go with Durant.

The Celtics' had the second best chance of getting the number 1 pick and they ended up with the 5th pick. Their fans had a draft party. Once they announced where the Celts' fell, I thought a few of the fans would get sick.

Portland will probably go with Oden. I know they're hoping they win a championship his first year like the Spur's did Tim Duncan's first year.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I want to get Lasik

I really do. But I'm scared. First, I'm afraid because anything to do with my eyes are my phobia. I hate anything or anyone near my eyes. The last time I went to the eye doctor she took my contact lenses out instead of letting me do it. I thought I was going to freak out. I don't know why I'm so jumpy, I just am.

I also know that while Lasik Complications are rare, they do happen. I think I read that less than 1/2 of 1% of people have serious issues 6 months after their surgery. That's an extremely low amount of people. I'm glad I found a website that breaks the important information down instead of using a ton of excessive technical terms. I still plan on doing a lot more research before I make a final decision though.

One more thing I don't like about Blogger

There are some feature that blogger offers that I absolutely love. The ease of adding widgets and links for example. It's super easy and you don't have to know any html or fiddle with a sql database. But I don't like that fact that you can't schedule posts.

I have 2 posts saved as drafts. If I were to post them right now, they wouldn't even show up on my front page. They would show up as of the date that I saved them. I wish they would change that.

Getting a loan with an ethical twist

Now this is a different kind of company. A company that holds itself to a higher standard is refreshing. If you're looking for a personal loan, they offer rates as low as 6.9% with repayment terms from 1-6 years. Of course there is no pre-payment penalty for paying the loan off early.

But here's the twist. The company will turn away business that conflicts with their ethical policy. What? Turn down money? To stick to their beliefs. That is an awesome idea. This is the type of company that I would love to do business with.

When they first started, over 80% of their customers approved of their mandate. By 2001 it was a 97% approval rate. They also have a policy in place to review their mandate at least every 3 years.

A company with a conscience. Who knew they still existed?

I can see why people get tired of the Yankees

First let me say that I'm a Yankee fan. So this is not Yankee bashing. They're the lead story everywhere. C'mon, they won 1 game. Ok 2 counting Sunday. Yes, they beat Boston today. But people, they're still about 8 games behind Boston. Half of their pitchers are still healing.

This is not to say they can't come back and contend. But let's not put the cart before the horse. Stop screaming about winning the division (What?!?!?!) or even worrying about winning the wild-card. First they need to get back into the race. They really need to show us something before the pom-poms and rah-rahs start. 2 games is just the beginning. They really need to keep it going.

Taking the first step

People with addictions are usually the last to see the consequences of their actions. They don't see anything wrong with what they are doing. One of my co-workers has an alcohol problem. She often comes to work hung over. On more than 1 occasion I know that she's had a cocktail or two during lunch. Having a social drink is one thing, but drinking with the intentions on getting hammered each and every time is another.

Did I mention she's only 20. So she shouldn't even be drinking yet. Her parents threatened to put her in a place that offers alcohol and drug treatment. That straightened her out for a bit, but she's been partying it up lately. What she doesn't realize is that everyone is just trying to help her. We're not saying that alcohol is bad or even evil, we just want her to recognize that moderation is the key at least for those of us old enough to drink that is.

Stop your addiction has a 28 day rehab in Michigan that I think would be good for her. It's long enough to get her to stop, but not so long that she'll rebel too bad. It's also away from home so she can get away from her loser friends for a while. Once she's had some time apart from them, maybe it will open her eyes to see they don't really have her best interests at heart. One can only hope.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Potential Bloggerwave problem

I'm a paid blogger. I work for several different companies. However it has come to my attention that there may be a problem with Bloggerwave. It seems that some of the people that have submitted work for them have had their payments reversed.

When a fellow blogger questioned PayPal, they were told that there was a problem with the account that the money had come out of. As bloggers, we have no recourse. I don't know what the problem with Bloggerwave is, but I'm not taking any chances.

I have been paid for most of the work that I have done. I am still owed close to $20. They have not reversed any money out of my PayPal account but I don't know if they intend to. I have changed my password for my PayPal account. I'm not taking any chances with them potentially having access to my account.

I would encourage everyone to stay clear of Bloggerwave until this issue is cleared up. Just my humble opinion.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

It looks like the Yankees will finally win a game

They've only lost 10 games in a row. Right now they're leading the Mets 6-1. Their 22 year old rookie pitcher went into the 7th. He even had a double in the game.

I bet not get too happy though. Who knows what can happen in the next two innings.

People dropping off of the face of the blogging world

I went to one of my favorite blogs to see what was new with her. Her blog is gone. All of the posts are gone and there is a message in the header that says something along the lines of "no longer blogging". Wow, no notice no nothing. I realize that sometimes real life takes precedence over blogging but geeze louise some kind of explanation would have been better than that.

Heck she could have just said something about real life is pretty busy, I don't want to blog anymore or anything. But the way she did it really sucks. I think that's why a lot of people don't like personal blogs. People just up and leave with no regards for their readers. If that's the way people want to be, they should probably keep their blogs private.

It's time for new clothes

Summertime will be here before you know it. Most of the clothes that I have are winter and spring clothes and that won't work when it gets hot. Even my short sleeve shirts are dark colors like black and red.

I always buy my clothes online. I shop mostly at Chadwick's, Metro-Style and Newport-News. I like to shop online because I have a weird inseam and it's hard to find clothes. I'm only 5'6" but my inseam is 33". A normal inseam for my height is 31". 90% of the time, any pants that I find are too short. Almost all of the online catalogue companies sell long length pants. I can even find suits and skirts in longer lengths which is great because a lot of skirts end up looking more like I'm going to a club than going to work.

The best part of shopping online is being able to find coupon codes. You can save so much money with the codes. A recent code was buy 2 items and get the 3rd item free. I bought 2 dresses and got a pair of shoes free. Free is always good.

Another Yankee is hurt

Geeze, George Steinbrenner must have really angered the baseball gods this off season. Or else this is just his comeuppance for buying all of the best players. This time it's Darrell Rasner with a broken finger. He's out for up to 3 months.

Yankee haters are rejoicing. I bet some Yankee fans are ready to jump off of one of those bridges in New York. You almost hate to turn on the game because you just know it's gonna be bad news. And let's not even get started on the 10 1/2 games behind Boston. Ughhh! It has to get better. Right?!?!

Blogger is whacked

I've tried to change several things on blogger and it just makes the whole template go crazy. The time is slow since daylight savings time went into effect. Ok, so I go in and change the time. Buzz...wrong answer. It changes the time on every post. Sigh, I guess I'll just have to live with it. Sometimes I sure do hate the blogger bugs though.

Get outta town

Do you need a vacation? I know I do. After the semester I had I'm scared to see what the fall will bring. Especially since I'm taking 2 classes. A pre-calculus class and another economics class. I guess I'm just a glutton for punishment.

That's why now that it's summer, I'm ready to hit the road and go. Anywhere is fine at this point, I'm not too picky. Actually I would love to go to Aruba. I tried to go last year and it just didn't work out. I started looking around the internet for Cheap Hotels and I found a great rate. The package was for $812 per person. I don't know if I can swing that now. But I sure would love to.

The package was on and they have some fabulous deals. I searched for a June vacation and $812 pp was not even the cheapest rate. I just used that rate because it was for a hotel that I would prefer to stay at. The rates ranged from $718 pp to just over $1300 pp. Plenty of the hotels were under $1000 pp though. Those rate are unbelievable especially since it includes air and hotel plus taxes.

Another great feature of this site is that they let you read traveler reviews right there as you're booking the trip. You don't have to go searching from site to site looking for reviews since they're right at your fingertips. Another feature that they offer is the option to book two cities and two hotels as one package. Now that's a convenient option to have. Most companies make you book something like that totally separate but to have that as a booking request makes things a lot easier.

Even though Aruba isn't doable right this very moment, I'm going to keep this site handy because I know it's only a matter of time before it is doable.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Re-enacting programs

Quite a few people at my job listen to the Steve Harvey morning show. I don't listen to it myself but that's another post. Anyway, one person always re-enacts the show every morning and it's so annoying. Every day we have to listen to his version of a skit.

I am not a morning person, so to hear him creating a ruckus at 8am starts to get old fast. Last week, he sent a email to the show describing another co-worker. They read it on the air around 7:30 because he asked them to read it at that time. He called the person the letter pertained to so he could hear it also. Then we had to listen to that all day. If he didn't tell the story at least 10 times, he didn't tell it at all.

People, before you start with your comedic efforts make sure the people being subjected to them really want to hear them. Or else you risk becoming the annoying co-worker.

Cancelling services

If you order products and trials online like I do, make sure you keep good records. I signed up for a trial to a company for 2 different products and cancelled the service for both. Today I got a bill with them claiming the accounts were still open.

I went to their customer service area and signed into my account and they were closed over 2 weeks ago. So I sent them another email with the a copy of the first cancellation letter. I hope they didn't think I was just going to fork over money for 2 bills without researching my records first. No money for you, try again.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Joke of the week

When John found out he was going to inherit a fortune when
his sickly father died, he decided he needed a woman to
enjoy it with. So one evening he went to a singles bar
where he spotted the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
Her natural beauty took his breath away. "I may look like
just an ordinary man," he said as he walked up to her "but
in just a week or two, my father will die, and I'll inherit
20 million dollars." Impressed, the woman went home with
him that evening and three days later, she became his
stepmother. Women are so much smarter than men.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

A unique way to win awesome prizes

Who doesn't like to win great prizes? Admit it, you do. Everyone does. Especially win it's an awesome prize. has a unique concept. The lowest bid wins. Now don't go getting all excited thinking your going to bid $.02 and win. You have to have the lowest unique bid. Best of all you can enter through text messaging or on the website. How cool is that. If you're on the go, you can still enter a bid and try to win.

Right now the prizes include a BMW, an Apple Iphone, or a 50" HD Plasma Tv. Personally I would love to win the car. I don't have a car right now and to win a BMW would be unbelievable. Can you imagine winning a car? Now I just have to think of a great bid to enter.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I hate when baseball games are postponed

I know that there's nothing that can be done. If there is bad weather, the game has to be delayed or postponed. What really sucks is that whatever game is scheduled is not shown but that also means there is no game shown. Right now on ESPN they're showing bonus coverage. They've shown almost every game that's live right now. So you don't get to see a whole game. You only get to see a few outs from each game. I wish there was a better system. Me no like this one.

Monday, May 14, 2007

I totally missed all the games this weekend

I was home visiting my mom this weekend and she hates sports. She won't watch them at all. I didn't see any games or updates.

I did see hear a few things. First Ryan Howard of the Phillies is on the 15 day dl. I was supposed to go to a game this weekend but when my cousin found out that Ryan wasn't playing, he sold the tickets.

I missed all of the Mother's Day games where the players used the pink bats. I wanted to see who would use them. Since we weren't home, I didn't even get to see the highlights.

Brett Favre is mad about not getting Randy Moss? Why. I can see Brett strangling him when he decides he doesn't want to play. Randy is definitely not a team player. He always puts himself above the team.

ESPN is drooling all of Derek Jeter. He's hit safely in 68 of his last 71 games dating back to last season. Ummm, the Yankees are like 8 games out of first and are last in the division and you still have to talk about Jeter? I mean hey, I like the Yankees, but give it a rest already. That just goes to show you, no matter what they need to talk about the Yankees.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Joke of the week

Things You Shouldn't Ask Your Mother...

Seven year old Susie approached her mother one morning and asked, "Mommie how old are you?" To which her mother responded, "Now Susie, that is not a question you should ask a woman."

Susie then replied, "Well, how much do you weigh?" Once again her mother said, "Susie that is another question you never ask a woman."

Perplexed, Susie was sitting on the steps when her best friend eight year old Anna came by. "Why so sad?" Anna asked. Susie replied, "I asked my mother how old she was, and how much she weighed, but she wouldn't tell me."

Immediately, the ever worldly Anna put her hands on her hips, lilted to one side and advised Susie to get her mother's drivers license out of her purse and she could get all the answers.

Triumphantly, Susie marched into the kitchen where her mother was preparing dinner and announced, "I saw your driver's license, and know you are 35 years old." She continued with, "And I know you weigh 135 pounds."

Susie's mother sighed and admitted to her age and weight.

Finally Susie exclaimed, "And...I know why you and Daddy got a divorce." Puzzled by this remark her mother asked, "How do you know this?"

Susie waved the license in the air, and replied:

"It says right here you got an "F" in sex!!"

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Watch out for comment spam

I went into my dashboard today to look to see what day I had written a post. While looking through my old posts, I noticed there were comments that I had never seen. When I went to the posts to read them, they were spam.

They started off with some lame "Hey Blogger" and "Hi Blogger", then they left a comment about not seeing what they were looking for. They also left their url in the comment field. You can best believe I deleted all of those comments. People do this because they get credit for their rankings for having incoming links to their site. The bots that crawl your site and look for these links don't realize that they're spam.

I don't mind comments, in fact like most people I love them. But not trashy spam comments. I went in and changed my notifications page so that I receive an email whenever someone leaves a comment. That way, I can get to them sooner and see what everyone has written.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Get a helping hand with Venture Alliance Capital

How would you like to work with a company that will lend their experience towards you making an immediate profit. If you're looking for private equity, then look no further than Venture Alliance Partners. They bring investors and entrepreneurs together to help build world-class companies.

Their network looks for investment opportunities that might not be otherwise available or identifiable. They do this with their team concept. The look for and evaluate deals which leads to joint ventures and strategic partnerships. Venpar is able to share information and resources all across Europe and around the world.

If your company is looking to expand, turn to Venpar for all of your private equity needs.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Yankees signed Clemens

Roger Clemens resigned with the NY Yankees. 1 year $28 million prorated. He's going to the minors to get ready and will probably be ready to pitch in the majors by the first week of June.

Is anybody really surprised by this? The Red Sox were also wooing him, but they didn't want him to come back to the bigs until June 28th. The poor Astros weren't really in the running.

With Andy Petite going back to the Yankees, I thought it was only a matter of time before he went to the Yankees. Especially since Jeter, the teflon shortstop, was also lobbying hard for him to come back to NY.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

People not updating their blogs

I try to visit most of the blogs in my blog roll at least 3 times a week. The blog roll only displays so many sites at one time so I refresh to get more. I realize that people have a life outside of blogging, but I get so annoyed when I read all of these blogs that haven't been updated.

I'm not talking about updated within the past week. I'm talking about the people who haven't updated in over a month. It's not 1 or 2 blogs either. It's several. I've just started making notes not to visit their blogs as often. If they haven't updated their blog, are they visiting the sites on their blog roll? Probably not, which means people like me aren't benefiting as much as they are.

This reminds me that I still haven't put up some of the posts that I've written. I try to keep between 3-5 posts in my dashboard so if I haven't updated in a while, I can take something that I have ready to go. I try to update my blogs at least two to three times a week. Most times it's more, but I really don't want it to be less. I don't like stale blogs so I don't want my blog to become stale.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Joke of the week















Pirates lost today

They lost 2 games. They had a lead, then gave it up in the 7th last night. A storm moved in so they resumed play this afternoon. They lost that game 8-6. Then they lost the regularly scheduled game 7-1. Ouch.

They're headed to Milwaukee. I'm already tired of hearing how the Brewers are this years Tiger's. Ummm, no they're not. They are hot and on a streak. I know the NL Central is a weak division, but they Brewers are not going to win the division. They'll show their real colors later on this season. Just wait and see.

Disney XXX

What's up with that? Last night, the Disney channel was supposed to be showing some cartoon. Instead some hardcore porn was on. lol. I can laugh because I don't have kids and since it was at night, kids should have been in bed. But what about different time zones, 11pm est is only 8pm pst. So kids could still be up. Not to mention people in different countries.

Somebodies head is going to roll. I can only imagine what they were thinking.