Monday, June 18, 2007

USA's new show Burn Notice

I can't wait for this show to start. I love spy shows. They have always been my favorite type of show. I love the intrigue and the skills that they have to use in order to survive.

First off, do you know what a burn notice is? I didn't so I went to the office website of the show, USA Network's Burn Notice to look it up. A burn notice is a official statement from the agency you work for to other agencies that says you are unreliable. Whoa, just a letter saying nope, don't use this guy anymore. Oh, did I mention that they don't tell you they're sending the burn notice out? Talk about being out in the cold.

It has to be hard trying to survive with no resources at your disposal. At least his home is in Miami. It would be a lot easier to survive in Miami. How do I figure this? Well, if I was in Miami with no money or anything I would do fine. It's Miami, home of nightclubs and celebrities galore. I would get a job at a club and mooch off of some people for a place to sleep.

One of my strong suits is my ability to talk to people. I'm sure I could schmooze my way into a ideal situation until I got on my feet financially. Hey, ain't no shame to my game when it comes to surviving.

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