Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I need a vacation

Seriously. I am so depressed right now. I have a lot going on some positive and some negative. The negative is very personal though and it's hard to deal with. I've been trying to soldier forward as best as I can but it's really hard right now.

My travel agent is suggesting that I go to Key West. I'm scared to go there though. That long bridge that you have to drive over would kill me. I'm afraid of bridges and that one is so close to the water that I know I would have an anxiety attack.

She also told me about Trusted Tours and Attractions because they have a contest running right now. If you sign up for their newsletter you can win 4 tickets for a tour in one of 21 cities. I would choose San Diego. Not only could I go to the area attractions, I could hit a Chargers game. I could also skip on over to Mexico and visit for a day. Of course, I would have to make sure to pack my passport. I do not want to get stuck in Mexico without proper id.

I just wish I had more vacation time at work so I could skip out of town for a few days. I'll work something out though. I'm about to lose my mind.

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