Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Rob Zombie's Halloween

Now Halloween is scary enough. But a movie written and directed by Rob Zombie. That's scary stuff.

Halloween was probably the first scary movie I had ever seen. It's the only horror film that I could actually watch. I usually only watch comedies. One of my dates took me to the movies to see a Halloween film. He told me that we were going to see something else but when we got in the theater, it was Halloween the movie. I was kinda ticked off until I started actually getting into the film. I was glad he was there for me to grab and hide under. I spent most of the film under his jacket.

This is gonna be a departure from Halloween the movie from the past. In this movie, Rob Zombie will turn back time to look at the childhood of Michael Myers. I like this angle. It gives you a idea into why the person turned out as twisted and psycho as they did. I mean, think of all of the horror films that you have ever seen. Most of them focus on the adult life of the killer. But don't you ever wonder what happened to them as children to make them turn out that way? I don't think most killers just wake up one morning and turn into murdering fiends. There's usually something in their past that triggered the turn to evil.

I made my boyfriend sit with me while I watched the trailer on You Tube. I've included the trailer, check it out and let me know what you think. I think it's scary. If nothing else, this will make a great date movie. Just think, you won't need an excuse to get closer to your date.

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