Tuesday, April 1, 2014

I need additional income

There are pretty much no if ands or buts about it. There are only so many expenses that I can cut and at this point any more cuts will literally hurt.

I have very little savings besides my house account. Truthfully right now I have almost zero cash. That's a big no-no for when I try to buy my home. I will be able to put my savings into overdrive once the summer is over. I will have a small bill paid off and I can double up on another one to get that bill paid off by the end of the year. Any excess will be split between savings and extra debt payments.

When I buy my house I will have one credit card bill and a personal loan payment left and that's all I want. If I could figure out a way to get both of those paid off I would. Unfortunately that's not really possible considering those two amounts almost equal a new car.

Man I tell ya....debt sucks!!

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